Charity & Support

About Terrence Higgins Trust

Terrence Higgins Trust is UK's leading HIV and sexual health charity. We support people living with HIV and amplify their voices, and help the people using our services to achieve good sexual health.

We have been supporting people with HIV for more than four decades. We provide advice, counselling, group support and crucially tackle the stigma experienced by so many people living with HIV.

Your support helps us work towards a world where:

  • There are no new HIV cases.

  • People living with HIV get the support they need.

  • Everyone can access good quality sexual and reproductive health services and information tailored to their individual needs.

  • HIV and sexual and reproductive health free from shame and stigma.

We're able to offer support and advice over the phone or in person via appointment. Our general phone number is 01273 764 200.

Our clinics

All our clinics are available via booked appointments or walk-in (subject to availability).

Call 01273 764 200 or book online to make an appointment. You can also email

Learn more about our clinics and testing services.

HIV and STI testing clinic

Our main testing clinic is open Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm.

We test for the following sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV:

We also offer advice and information about sexual health, including PrEP and PEP and how to access them locally.

We can only test people who are asymptomatic. Please contact SHAC if you have symptoms of a suspected STI.

If you're unable to attend the clinic in person, we offer free HIV self test kits to people within Brighton and Hove from groups most affected by HIV.

We normally charge £15 for the tests. Providing you live in the qualifying area, you won't be asked for payment at checkout.

If you aren't eligible for a test from this service, you can search for other free online HIV testing options.

PrEP2U clinic

Our PrEP2U clinic is for people not currently using PrEP who wish to discuss their HIV prevention needs with a clinician.

This clinic is open on  Monday 2pm to 5pm and Thursday 3pm to 6.30pm.

It offers:

  • HIV and STI screening

  • PrEP

  • Hepatisis B / HBV vaccination

Learn more about our clinics and testing services.

Sexual health information and advice


We supply a range of sexual health information and advice, including:

  • Safer sex

  • STIs

  • PEP and PrEP

  • Sexuality

  • Chemsex

  • Drug and alcohol use

  • Hate crimes

  • Referrals to other support services.

We also supply free condoms and lube on a walk-in basis.